Source code for sd_plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
import crtomo.plotManager as CRPlot
import crtomo.grid as CRGrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import math
import reda.main.units as units
import crtomo.mpl as mpl_style

[docs] def handle_options(): '''Handle options. ''' parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(cmaglin=False) parser.set_defaults(single=False) parser.set_defaults(alpha_cov=False) parser.add_option('-x', '--xmin', dest='xmin', help='Minium X range', type='float', ) parser.add_option('-X', '--xmax', dest='xmax', help='Maximum X range', type='float', ) parser.add_option('-z', '--zmin', dest='zmin', help='Minium Z range', type='float', ) parser.add_option('-Z', '--zmax', dest='zmax', help='Maximum Z range', type='float', ) parser.add_option('-c', '--column', dest='column', help='column to plot of input file', type='int', default=2, ) parser.add_option('-u', '--unit', dest='xunit', help='Unit of length scale, typically meters (m) ' + 'or centimeters (cm)', metavar='UNIT', type='str', default='m', ) parser.add_option("--alpha_cov", action="store_true", dest="alpha_cov", help="use coverage for transparency", ) parser.add_option('--cbtiks', dest='cbtiks', help="Number of CB tiks", type=int, metavar="INT", default=3, ) parser.add_option("--cmaglin", action="store_true", dest="cmaglin", help="linear colorbar for magnitude", ) parser.add_option('--mag_vmin', dest='mag_vmin', help='Minium of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--mag_vmax', dest='mag_vmax', help='Maximum of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--pha_vmin', dest='pha_vmin', help='Minium of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--pha_vmax', dest='pha_vmax', help='Maximum of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--real_vmin', dest='real_vmin', help='Minium of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--real_vmax', dest='real_vmax', help='Maximum of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--imag_vmin', dest='imag_vmin', help='Minium of colorbar', type='float', ) parser.add_option('--imag_vmax', dest='imag_vmax', help='Maximum of colorbar', type='float', ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options
[docs] def check_minmax(plotman, cid, xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax, vmin, vmax): if xmin is None: xmin = plotman.grid.grid['x'].min() if xmax is None: xmax = plotman.grid.grid['x'].max() if zmin is None: zmin = plotman.grid.grid['z'].min() if zmax is None: zmax = plotman.grid.grid['z'].max() if isinstance(cid, int): subdata = plotman.parman.parsets[cid] else: subdata = cid if vmin is None: vmin = subdata.min() if vmax is None: vmax = subdata.max() return xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax, vmin, vmax
[docs] class overview_plot(): def __init__(self, title, liste, alpha, unit, opt): self.title = title self.dirs = liste N = len(self.dirs) self.rows = math.ceil(N/4) self.columns = 4 self.cbunit = units.get_label(unit) self.load_grid(alpha) self.create_figure(opt)
[docs] def cm(self, unit): if unit == 'log_rho': = 'viridis' elif unit == 'phi': = 'plasma' elif unit == 'log_real': = 'viridis_r' elif unit == 'log_imag': = 'plasma_r' else: print('No colorbar defined') exit()
[docs] def create_figure(self, opt): self.getfigsize(opt) self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(self.rows, ncols=4, figsize=(self.sizex, self.sizez)) plt.suptitle(self.title, fontsize=18) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=4, hspace=4, top=5)
[docs] def getfigsize(self, opt): '''calculate appropriate sizes for the subfigures ''' if opt.xmin is None: opt.xmin = self.plotman.grid.grid['x'].min() if opt.xmax is None: opt.xmax = self.plotman.grid.grid['x'].max() if opt.zmin is None: opt.zmin = self.plotman.grid.grid['z'].min() if opt.zmax is None: opt.zmax = self.plotman.grid.grid['z'].max() if np.abs(opt.zmax - opt.zmin) < np.abs(opt.xmax - opt.xmin): self.sizex = 2 / 2.54 self.sizez = self.sizex * ( np.abs(opt.zmax - opt.zmin) / np.abs(opt.xmax - opt.xmin)) else: self.sizez = 2 / 2.54 self.sizex = 0.5 * self.sizez * ( np.abs(opt.xmax - opt.xmin) / np.abs(opt.zmax - opt.zmin)) print('schmal') # add 1 inch to accommodate colorbar self.sizex += 4 * .5 self.sizex *= 4 self.sizez *= self.rows self.sizez += 5
[docs] def save(self): self.fig.tight_layout() self.fig.savefig('sd_' + self.title + '.png', dpi=300)
[docs] def load_grid(self, alpha): '''Load grid and calculate alpha values from the coverage/2.5. ''' grid = CRGrid.crt_grid(self.dirs[0] + '/grid/elem.dat', self.dirs[0] + '/grid/elec.dat') self.plotman = CRPlot.plotManager(grid=grid) name = self.dirs[0] + '/inv/coverage.mag' content = np.genfromtxt(name, skip_header=1, skip_footer=1, usecols=([2])) abscov = np.abs(content) if alpha: normcov = np.divide(abscov, 2.5) normcov[np.where(normcov > 1)] = 1 mask = np.subtract(1, normcov) self.alpha = self.plotman.parman.add_data(mask) else: self.alpha = self.plotman.parman.add_data(np.ones(len(abscov)))
[docs] class subplot(): def __init__(self, ov_plot, title, typ='cmplx'): self.title = title self.type = typ self.plotman = ov_plot.plotman
[docs] def load_data(self, opt): os.chdir(self.title) # get iteration linestring = open('exe/inv.lastmod', 'r').readline().strip() linestring = linestring.replace('\n', '') linestring = linestring.replace('../', '') linestring = linestring.replace('mag', '') # open data file name = linestring + self.type if self.type == 'mag': try: = np.loadtxt(name, skiprows=1, usecols=([opt.column])) except: raise ValueError('Given column to open does not exist.') if self.type == 'pha': try: = np.loadtxt(name, skiprows=1, usecols=([2])) except: raise ValueError('No phase data to open.') os.chdir('..')
[docs] def plot_data(self, ov_plot, opt, i, j): = ov_plot.axs[i, j] # add data to plotman if opt.cmaglin and self.type == 'mag': self.cid = self.plotman.parman.add_data(np.power(10, ov_plot.cbunit = 'rho' else: self.cid = self.plotman.parman.add_data( # handle options cblabel = units.get_label(ov_plot.cbunit) zlabel = 'z [' + opt.xunit + ']' xlabel = 'x [' + opt.xunit + ']' if self.type == 'mag': vmin = opt.mag_vmin vmax = opt.mag_vmax elif self.type == 'pha': vmin = opt.pha_vmin vmax = opt.pha_vmax elif self.type == 'imag': vmin = opt.imag_vmin vmax = opt.imag_vmax else: vmin = opt.real_vmin vmax = opt.real_vmax xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax, vmin, vmax = check_minmax(ov_plot.plotman, self.cid, opt.xmin, opt.xmax, opt.zmin, opt.zmax, vmin, vmax, ) # plot fig, ax, cnorm, cmap, cb = ov_plot.plotman.plot_elements_to_ax( cid=self.cid, cid_alpha=ov_plot.alpha,, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, cblabel=cblabel, cbnrticks=opt.cbtiks, title=self.title[3:], zlabel=zlabel, xlabel=xlabel, plot_colorbar=True,, cbmin=vmin, cbmax=vmax, )
[docs] def calc_complex(mag, pha): ''' Calculate real and imaginary part of the complex conductivity from magnitude and phase in log10. ''' complx = [10 ** m * math.e ** (1j * p / 1e3) for m, p in zip(mag, pha)] real = [math.log10((1 / c).real) for c in complx] imag = [] for c in complx: if ((1 / c).imag) == 0: imag.append(math.nan) else: i = math.log10(abs((1 / c).imag)) imag.append(i) return real, imag
[docs] def plot_cmplx(options, freq_dirs, ov_mag): # init overview plotsit='log_rho', ov_pha = overview_plot(title='Phase', liste=freq_dirs, alpha=options.alpha_cov, unit='phi', opt=options, ) ov_real = overview_plot(title='Real Part', liste=freq_dirs, alpha=options.alpha_cov, unit='log_real', opt=options, ) ov_imag = overview_plot(title='Imaginary Part', liste=freq_dirs, alpha=options.alpha_cov, unit='log_imag', opt=options, ) # create figure i = 0 j = 0 # plot each subplot for sub in np.arange(ov_mag.rows * ov_mag.columns): try: mag = subplot(ov_plot=ov_mag, title=freq_dirs[sub], typ='mag', ) pha = subplot(ov_plot=ov_pha, title=freq_dirs[sub], typ='pha', ) imag = subplot(ov_plot=ov_imag, title=freq_dirs[sub], typ='imag', ) real = subplot(ov_plot=ov_real, title=freq_dirs[sub], typ='real', ) mag.load_data(options) pha.load_data(options), = calc_complex(, mag.plot_data(ov_mag, options, i//4, j) pha.plot_data(ov_pha, options, i//4, j) imag.plot_data(ov_imag, options, i//4, j) real.plot_data(ov_real, options, i//4, j) except: # no subplot needed ov_mag.axs[i//4, j].axis('off') ov_pha.axs[i//4, j].axis('off') ov_imag.axs[i//4, j].axis('off') ov_real.axs[i//4, j].axis('off') i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if j == 4: j = 0 os.chdir('..') # save plots
[docs] def plot_dc(options, freq_dirs, ov_mag): # init overview plots # create figure i = 0 j = 0 # plot each subplot for sub in np.arange(ov_mag.rows * ov_mag.columns): try: mag = subplot(ov_plot=ov_mag, title=freq_dirs[sub], typ='mag') mag.load_data(options) mag.plot_data(ov_mag, options, i//4, j) except: # no subplot needed ov_mag.axs[i//4, j].axis('off') i = i + 1 j = j + 1 if j == 4: j = 0 os.chdir('..') # save plots
[docs] def main(): # options options = handle_options()'default') mpl_style.general_settings() # directories to plot os.chdir('invmod') freq_dirs = os.listdir('.') freq_dirs.sort() ov_mag = overview_plot(title='Magnitude', liste=freq_dirs, alpha=options.alpha_cov, unit='log_rho', opt=options, ) # check for phase if os.path.isfile(ov_mag.dirs[0] + '/inv/rho00.pha'): phase = True else: phase = False if phase: plot_cmplx(options, freq_dirs, ov_mag) else: plot_dc(options, freq_dirs, ov_mag)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()