Contributing to the crtomo-tools

As an open-source project, crtomo_tools always welcomes contributions from the community. Here, we offer guidance for 3 different ways of contributing with increasing levels of required coding proficiency.

A. Submit a bug report

If you experience issues with the crtomo_tools, or miss a certain feature, please open a new issue on GitHub. To do so, you need to create a GitHub account.

B. Send us your example

We are constantly looking for interesting usage examples of crtomo_tools. If you have used the package and would like to contribute your work to the examples, please attach your script to a new github issue. Make sure that the individual steps in your Python script are documented according to the sphinx-gallery syntax.

C. Contribute to the code


To avoid redundant work, please contact us before you start working on a non-trivial feature.

The preferred way to contribute to the crtomo_tools code base is via the fork and pull collaborative model pull request (PR) on GitHub, described here. The general concept of working with pull requests is explained here and involves the following steps:

1. Fork the repository

If you are a first-time contributor, you need a GitHub account and your own copy (“fork”) of the code. To do so, go to and click the “Fork button” in the upper right corner. This will create an identical copy of the complete code base under your username on the GitHub server. Clone this repository to your local disk:

git clone

After that you can install the software as usual.

2. Create a feature branch

Go to the source folder and create a feature branch to hold your changes. It is advisable to give it a sensible name describing the overall topic of the proposed changes, such as new_plot_script.

cd crtomo_tools
git checkout -b new_plot_script

3. Start making your changes

Go nuts! Add and modify files and regularly commit your changes with meaningful commit messages. Remember that you are working in your own personal copy and in case you break something, you can always go back.

git add new_file1 new_file2 modified_file1
git commit -m "implement new plot method method after Authors et al 2019"

4. Test your code

Make sure that everything works as expected. New functions should always contain a docstring with a test:

def sum(a, b):
    """Return the sum of `a` and `b`.

    >>> a = 1
    >>> b = 2
    >>> sum(a,b)
    return a + b

Docstrings are not yet run automatically, but will be in the future.

5. Submit a pull request

Once you implemented a functioning new feature, make sure your GitHub repository contains all your commits:

git push origin new_plot_script

After pushing, you can go to GitHub and you will see a green PR button. Describe your changes in more detail. Once reviewed by the core developers, your PR will be merged to the main repository.

6. Updating your work with changes from upstream

While you work on your forked repository, sometimes changes are commited to the main repository (usually called upstream). You do NOT need to delete your forked repository and refork to apply these changes to your own fork. Follow the procedure described here

Only the first time, add the main repository as a remote to your local (cloned) git repository:

Then, to update the local branch new_plot_script with the newest changes of the upstream branch master, execute the following commands:

git fetch upstream
git checkout new_plot_script
git merge upstream/master

Update your forked repository branch new_plot_script on github:

git push

D. Extending the documentation

For documentation purposes we use the sphinx documentation system ( and various plugins. Most notable we use the sphinx-gallery ( to present examples (located in the examples/ subdirectory of the repository.

In order to build the documentation it should suffice to install the required packages listed in the files requirements.txt and requirements_doc.txt. If you use virtualenvs, a helper script creates a virtualenv crtomo that should be readily usable.

Build the documentation by entering the doc directory and call:

make html

The initial build will take some time, as the examples include some modeling and inversion runs. However, results will be cached unless the specific example scripts are changed, and subsequent calls to `make html` should be significantly faster.


It is advisable to rebuild the entire documentation before opening a merge request. Sometimes errors only show after a complete rebuild.