Plot forward modelsΒΆ

Test plotting forward models for different mesh boundaries.


import numpy as np
import crtomo

set up plotting facilities - this will often generate better fitting plots

import crtomo.mpl

a surface grid

grid = crtomo.crt_grid.create_surface_grid(nr_electrodes=15, spacing=1)
frequencies = np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)
eitman = crtomo.eitMan(frequencies=frequencies, grid=grid)
eitman.add_homogeneous_model(magnitude=100, phase=0)
    0, 5, -2, 0,
    [100, 0.1, 0.04, 0.8]
r = eitman.plot_forward_models(maglim=[90, 110], phalim=[-30, 0])

# save to files
r['rpha']['fig'].savefig('fwd_model_par_rpha.png', dpi=300)
  • plot 07 fwd model plotting
  • 0.001 Hz, 0.005 Hz, 0.022 Hz, 0.100 Hz, 0.464 Hz, 2.154 Hz, 10.000 Hz, 46.416 Hz, 215.443 Hz, 1000.000 Hz
  • 0.001 Hz, 0.005 Hz, 0.022 Hz, 0.100 Hz, 0.464 Hz, 2.154 Hz, 10.000 Hz, 46.416 Hz, 215.443 Hz, 1000.000 Hz
This grid was sorted using CutMcK. The nodes were resorted!
Triangular grid found

a rhizotron

grid = crtomo.crt_grid('grid_rhizotron/elem.dat', 'grid_rhizotron/elec.dat')

frequencies = np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)
eitman = crtomo.eitMan(frequencies=frequencies, grid=grid)
eitman.add_homogeneous_model(magnitude=100, phase=0)
    0, 5, -2, 0,
    [100, 0.1, 0.04, 0.8]
r = eitman.plot_forward_models(maglim=[90, 110], phalim=[-30, 0])

# save to files
# r['rpha']['fig'].savefig('fwd_model_par_rpha.png', dpi=300)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = -1
  • plot 07 fwd model plotting
  • 0.001 Hz, 0.005 Hz, 0.022 Hz, 0.100 Hz, 0.464 Hz, 2.154 Hz, 10.000 Hz, 46.416 Hz, 215.443 Hz, 1000.000 Hz
  • 0.001 Hz, 0.005 Hz, 0.022 Hz, 0.100 Hz, 0.464 Hz, 2.154 Hz, 10.000 Hz, 46.416 Hz, 215.443 Hz, 1000.000 Hz
This grid was sorted using CutMcK. The nodes were resorted!
Triangular grid found

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 19.234 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery