Single frequency synthetic study

This example aims to provide a full discussion of a single-frequency complex resistivity simulation study. A simulation study usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Generate a Finite-Element mesh for the forward modeling step. This includes defining the bounding geometry of the subsurface to investigate (the boundary), electrode positions on the boundary and embedded in the subsurface, as well as internal geometry.

    Internal geometry reflects the geophysical scenario that is being simulated and is usually driven by the scientific research context of the study.

  2. Create a complex-resistivity subsurface model

  3. Generate measurement configurations

  4. Conduct the forward modeling

  5. Add normally-distributed noise to the synthetic data. Remove all data points that have a resulting transfer impedance below 0 (CRMod automatically outputs measurement configurations with positive geometric factors. Therefore, all measurements \(<= 0 \Omega\) are deemed as physically unacceptable.

  6. Conduct an inversion using the synthetic data contaminated with synthetic noise. Usually error estimates are chosen equal to the noise distributions previously added. Depending on the scope of the synthetic study, additional noise levels can be estimated to account for other error components.

  7. Analyse inversion results.

Note that we use a context manager from reda to place output files in a separate output directory

import reda
# imports required for the study
import crtomo
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry
import pylab as plt

1. Generate forward mesh

Generate a simple Finite-Element mesh for forward and inverse modeling. For more information on mesh creation, please refer to Irregular grids. grid_creation.

grid = crtomo.crt_grid.create_surface_grid(
    # these lengths determine the size of mesh cells
    char_lengths=[0.3, 1, 1, 1]

fig, ax = grid.plot_grid()
with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
    fig.savefig('grid.jpg', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
plot 07 synthetic modinv study
This grid was sorted using CutMcK. The nodes were resorted!
Triangular grid found

Create a tdManager instance used for single-frequency forward and inverse modeling

man = crtomo.tdMan(grid=grid)

2. Create complex-resistivity subsurface model

pid_mag, pid_pha = man.add_homogeneous_model(
    magnitude=100, phase=-5
# import IPython
# IPython.embed()

    xmin=1, xmax=5,
    zmin=-5, zmax=-1,

    xmin=1, xmax=5,
    zmin=-3, zmax=-2,

polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon((
    (2, 0), (4, -1), (2, -1)
man.parman.modify_polygon(pid_mag, polygon, 3)

with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 8), sharex=True)
    fig, ax = man.show_parset(
        cblabel=r'$\rho~[\Omega m]$',
        title='Magnitude forward model',
    fig.savefig('model_magnitude.jpg', dpi=300)
    fig, ax = man.show_parset(
        title='Phase forward model',
    fig.savefig('model_phase.jpg', dpi=300)
Magnitude forward model, Phase forward model

3. Generate Measurement Configurations

4. Generate Measurement Configurations

rmag_rpha_mod = man.measurements()
rmag = man.measurements()[:, 0]
rpha = man.measurements()[:, 1]
attempting modeling
b'\nlibgomp: Invalid value for environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS\n ######### CMod ############\nLicence:\nCopyright \xc2\xa9 1990-2020 Andreas Kemna <>\nCopyright \xc2\xa9 2008-2020 CRTomo development team (see AUTHORS file)\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of\nthis software and associated documentation files (the \xe2\x80\x9cSoftware\xe2\x80\x9d), to deal in\nthe Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to\nuse, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies\nof the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do\nso, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \xe2\x80\x9cAS IS\xe2\x80\x9d, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n \n \n CRMod Process_ID ::        5275\n OpenMP max threads:   4\n Git-Branch  master\n Commit-ID   cb89ccd2c4341b9b08bbe7bb08f5aea0d60916ee\n Created     Mon-Mar-25-14:34:56-2024\n Compiler    \n OS          GNU/Linux\n\n Reading Input-Files\n++ check 1\r++ check 2 done!\n\rGetting voltage      1\rGetting voltage      2\rGetting voltage      3\rGetting voltage      4\rGetting voltage      5\rGetting voltage      6\rGetting voltage      7\rGetting voltage      8\rGetting voltage      9\rGetting voltage     10\rGetting voltage     11\rGetting voltage     12\rGetting voltage     13\rGetting voltage     14\rGetting voltage     15\rGetting voltage     16\rGetting voltage     17\rGetting voltage     18\rGetting voltage     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Wavenumber          6                                                   \r Calculating Potentials : Wavenumber          7                                                   \r Calculating Potentials : Wavenumber          8                                                   \r Calculating Potentials : Wavenumber          9                                                   \r Calculating Potentials : Wavenumber         10                                                   \r Calculating Potentials : Wavenumber         11                                                    done, now processing\n solution time  0d/  0h/  0m/  0s/ 998ms\n\n Modelling completedSTOP 0\n'
reading voltages

Let’s plot the results

with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1)

    ax = axes[0]
    ax.set_title('Measured transfer resistances', loc='left', fontsize=8)
    ax.hist(rmag_rpha_mod[:, 0], 100)
    ax.set_ylabel('Count [-]')

    ax = axes[1]
        'Measured transfer resistances (log10)', loc='left', fontsize=8
    ax.hist(rmag_rpha_mod[:, 0], 100)
    ax.set_ylabel('Count [-]')

    ax = axes[2]
    ax.set_title('Phase measurements', loc='left', fontsize=8)
    ax.hist(rmag_rpha_mod[:, 1], 100)
    ax.set_xlabel('Phases [mrad]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Count [-]')

    fig.savefig('modeled_data.jpg', dpi=300)
Measured transfer resistances, Measured transfer resistances (log10), Phase measurements

5. Add noise to synthetic data

Important: ALWAYS initialize the random number generator using a seed!


# absolute component in [Ohm ]
noise_level_rmag_absolute = 0.01
# relative component [0, 1]
noise_level_rmag_relative = 0.05

noise_rmag = np.random.normal(
    scale=rmag * noise_level_rmag_relative + noise_level_rmag_absolute

rmag_with_noise = rmag + noise_rmag

# 0.5 mrad absolute noise level
noise_level_phases = 0.5

noise_rpha = np.random.normal(
rpha_with_noise = rpha + noise_rpha

# register the noise-added data as new measurements and mark them for use in a
# subsequent inversion
man.register_measurements(rmag_with_noise, rpha_with_noise)

# Remove physically implausible negative magnitude values
indices = np.where(rmag_with_noise <= 0)[0]

Deleting configurations:
[[ 2  3 11 10]
 [ 2  3 13 12]
 [ 3  4 12 11]
 [ 3  4 15 14]
 [ 2  4 16 14]
 [ 3  5 17 15]]

prepare the inversion note that we create another tdMan class instance for the inversion. This is not necessarily required, but serves nicely to separate the different steps of the inversion

tdman = crtomo.tdMan(grid=grid)

# inversion settings can be changed here:

# for example, let's change the relative magnitude error estimate to 7 %
tdman.crtomo_cfg['mag_rel'] = 5
tdman.crtomo_cfg['mag_abs'] = 0.01
tdman.crtomo_cfg['pha_abs'] = 0.5

1       !  mswitch
../grid/elem.dat       !  elem
../grid/elec.dat       !  elec
../mod/volt.dat       !  volt
../inv       !  inv_dir
F ! difference inversion?       !  diff_inv

       !  prior_model

iseed variance       !  iseed_var
0    ! # cells in x-direction       !  cells_x
0    ! # cells in z-direction       !  cells_z
1.000  ! smoothing parameter in x-direction       !  ani_x
1.000  ! smoothing parameter in z-direction       !  ani_z
20    ! max. nr of iterations       !  max_it
F     ! DC inversion?       !  dc_inv
T     ! robust inversion?       !  robust_inv
F     ! final phase improvement?       !  fpi_inv
5       !  mag_rel
1e-3       !  mag_abs
0       !  pha_a1
0       !  pha_b
0       !  pha_rel
0       !  pha_abs
F       !  hom_bg
10.00       !  hom_mag
0.00       !  hom_pha
F       !  another_ds
1       !  d2_5
F       !  fic_sink
10000       !  fic_sink_node
F       !  boundaries
boundary.dat       !  boundaries_file
1       !  mswitch2
lambda       !  lambda

6. Conduct the actual inversion

this command actually calls CRTomo and conducts the actual inversion

Attempting inversion in directory: /tmp/tmpmep4ulw2
Using binary: /usr/bin/CRTomo_dev
Calling CRTomo
Inversion attempt finished
Attempting to import the results
Reading inversion results
is robust True
Info: res_m.diag not found: /tmp/tmpmep4ulw2/inv/res_m.diag
Info: ata.diag not found: /tmp/tmpmep4ulw2/inv/ata.diag
Statistics of last iteration:
iteration              4
main_iteration         4
it_type            DC/IP
type                main
dataRMS           0.9978
magRMS             1.731
phaRMS             1.289
lambda             117.0
roughness          3.645
cgsteps            116.0
nrdata             609.0
steplength           0.0
stepsize          0.9323
l1ratio              1.0
Name: 28, dtype: object

7. Analyse inversion results

# The convergence behavior of the inversion is stored in a pandas.DataFrame:

# save the RMS values of the final iteration
final_rms_all, final_rms_mag, final_rms_pha = tdman.inv_stats.iloc[-1][
    ['dataRMS', 'magRMS', 'phaRMS']
print('Final RMS mag+pha:', final_rms_all)
print('Final RMS mag:', final_rms_mag)
print('Final RMS pha:', final_rms_pha)
    iteration  main_iteration it_type  ... steplength   stepsize  l1ratio
0           0               0   DC/IP  ...        NaN        NaN     1.25
1           1               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1060.0000      NaN
2           2               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1410.0000      NaN
3           3               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1570.0000      NaN
4           4               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1650.0000      NaN
5           5               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1670.0000      NaN
6           6               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1700.0000      NaN
7           7               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1700.0000      NaN
8           8               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1580.0000      NaN
9           9               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN  1210.0000      NaN
10         10               1   DC/IP  ...        NaN   791.0000      NaN
11          1               1   DC/IP  ...        1.0  1582.0000     1.16
12          0               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    30.7000      NaN
13          1               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    43.4000      NaN
14          2               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    53.0000      NaN
15          3               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    66.2000      NaN
16          4               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    88.2000      NaN
17          5               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN   110.0000      NaN
18          6               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN   125.0000      NaN
19          7               2   DC/IP  ...        NaN    55.1000      NaN
20          2               2   DC/IP  ...        8.0     6.3490     0.05
21          0               3   DC/IP  ...        NaN    98.4000      NaN
22          1               3   DC/IP  ...        NaN   113.0000      NaN
23          2               3   DC/IP  ...        NaN    49.2000      NaN
24          3               3   DC/IP  ...        0.0    98.4300     1.00
25          0               4   DC/IP  ...        NaN     0.9320      NaN
26          1               4   DC/IP  ...        NaN     3.0600      NaN
27          2               4   DC/IP  ...        NaN     0.4660      NaN
28          4               4   DC/IP  ...        0.0     0.9323     1.00

[29 rows x 14 columns]
Final RMS mag+pha: 0.9978
Final RMS mag: 1.731
Final RMS pha: 1.289

The primary convergence goal of the inversion is to reach an RMS near 1. This would indicate that the data is described by the subsurface model within their data bounds. We do not care about update loops of the inversion. Therefore, filter the convergence information and plot it.

inv_stats_main = tdman.inv_stats.query('type=="main"').reset_index()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    inv_stats_main['dataRMS'], '.-', label=r'$\mathbf{RMS}_{\mathrm{all}}$')
    inv_stats_main['magRMS'], '.-', label=r'$\mathbf{RMS}_{\mathrm{mag}}$')
    inv_stats_main['phaRMS'], '.-', label=r'$\mathbf{RMS}_{\mathrm{pha}}$')
ax.axhline(y=1.0, color='black', linestyle='dotted', label='target RMS')
ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number')

with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
        'inversion_convergence_evolution.jpg', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight'
plot 07 synthetic modinv study

As a short reminder, this dictionary contains all information on where to find data/results in the tdMan instance

{'forward_model': None, 'measurements': [0, 1], 'measurement_errors': None, 'error_norm_factor_mag': None, 'error_norm_factor_pha': None, 'sensitivities': None, 'potentials': None, 'inversion': {'rmag': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'rpha': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'cre_cim': [[10, 11], [12, 13], [14, 15], [16, 17], [18, 19]], 'cre': [10, 12, 14, 16, 18], 'cim': [11, 13, 15, 17, 19], 'fwd_response_rmag': [2, 5, 8, 11, 14], 'fwd_response_rpha': [3, 6, 9, 12, 15], 'fwd_response_wdfak': [4, 7, 10, 13, 16], 'l1_dw_log10_norm': 20}, 'prior_model': None}

We can now visualize the inversion results. First, plot the L1-Coverage to get an idea on the information distribution in the subsurface. We will later use the coverage to add transparency (‘alpha’) to our plots, or to apply a filter mask to the results. The intention here is to visually remove all pixels that definitively do not hold useful subsurface information. Be careful: High sensitivities do not always imply good recovery of the subsurface!

fig, ax = tdman.show_parset(
    title='L1-Coverage (normalized)',
with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
    fig.savefig('inversion_coverage_l1.jpg', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

log10_threshold = -2
mask = (tdman.parman.parsets[
] > log10_threshold).astype(int)
L1-Coverage (normalized)

Plot Magnitude results:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 11), sharex=True)

fig, ax = tdman.show_parset(
    cblabel=r'$\rho~[\Omega m]$',
    title='Magnitude inversion (rms-all: {}, rms-mag: {})'.format(
ax.set_title('No mask', loc='left', fontsize=8)

fig, ax = tdman.show_parset(
    cblabel=r'$\rho~[\Omega m]$',
    title='Magnitude inversion (rms-all: {}, rms-mag: {})'.format(
    # default is: 3

fig, ax = tdman.show_parset(
    cblabel=r'$\rho~[\Omega m]$',
    title='Magnitude inversion (rms-all: {}, rms-mag: {})'.format(
with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):
No mask, Magnitude inversion (rms-all: 0.9978, rms-mag: 1.731), Magnitude inversion (rms-all: 0.9978, rms-mag: 1.731), Magnitude inversion (rms-all: 0.9978, rms-mag: 1.731)

Phase inversion results:

fig, ax = tdman.show_parset(
    title='Phase inversion result (rms-all: {}, rms-pha: {})'.format(
with reda.CreateEnterDirectory('output_plot_07'):

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = -1
Phase inversion result (rms-all: 0.9978, rms-pha: 1.731)

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 56.463 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery