Source code for grid_homogenize

#!/usr/bin/env python
Create homogenized version of a CRTomo grid.


import os
import shutil
from optparse import OptionParser
import subprocess
import numpy as np

from crtomo.mpl_setup import *

[docs] class grid_container(): def __init__(self, electrodes_file=None, boundaries_file=None, char_length_file=None): if char_length_file is not None and os.path.isfile(char_length_file): self.char_length_file = char_length_file else: self.char_length_file = None if electrodes_file is not None: self.electrodes = np.loadtxt(electrodes_file) else: self.electrodes = None if boundaries_file is not None: self.boundaries = np.loadtxt(boundaries_file) else: self.boundaries = None self.script = None
[docs] def save_to_dir(self, directory): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(directory) np.savetxt('electrodes.dat', self.electrodes) np.savetxt('boundaries.dat', self.boundaries) if self.char_length_file is not None: shutil.copy(self.char_length_file, './') if self.script is not None: with open('', 'w') as fid: fid.write(self.script) print('Calling')'sh', shell=True) os.chdir(pwd)
[docs] def handle_cmd_options(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-d', "--data_dir", dest="data_dir", type="string", help="data dir containing the file electrodes.dat " + "and boundaries.dat' (default: data/)", default="data", ) parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="output", help="Output directory (default: grid_hom)", metavar="DIR", default="grid_hom", ) parser.add_option( "--dx", dest="dx", help="dx", type="float", metavar="FLOAT", default=50, ) parser.add_option( "--dy", dest="dy", help="Depth of grid below electrodes (default: 100 m)", type="float", metavar="FLOAT", default=100, ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options
[docs] def rotate_point(xorigin, yorigin, x, y, angle): """Rotate the given point by angle """ rotx = (x - xorigin) * np.cos(angle) - (y - yorigin) * np.sin(angle) roty = (x - yorigin) * np.sin(angle) + (y - yorigin) * np.cos(angle) return rotx, roty
[docs] def homogenize_grid(grid_old, dx, dy): """ 1) fit line through electrodes 2) rotate electrodes so that line lies in the horizontal plane 3) translate z-coordinates so that all z-coordinates are negative """ # 1 line fit x = grid_old.electrodes[:, 0] y = grid_old.electrodes[:, 1] sort_indices = np.argsort(x) x_sort = x[sort_indices] y_sort = y[sort_indices] p = np.polyfit(x_sort, y_sort, 1) # 2. rotate around first electrode offsetx = x_sort[0] offsety = y_sort[0] alpha = -np.arctan2(p[0], 1.0) # * 180 / np.pi xn = [] yn = [] for xc, yc in zip(x, y): rotx, roty = rotate_point(offsetx, offsety, xc, yc, alpha) xn.append(rotx + offsetx) yn.append(roty + offsety) new_coordinates = np.vstack((xn, yn)).T # move vertically # this line is a horizontal line p_rot = np.polyfit( new_coordinates[:, 0], new_coordinates[:, 1], 1 ) y_rot = np.polyval( p_rot, new_coordinates[:, 0], ) ymax = y_rot[0] new_coordinates_trans = np.copy(new_coordinates) new_coordinates_trans[:, 1] -= ymax # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(x, y, color='r', label='original') ax.plot( x, np.polyval(p, x), '-', label='fit', color='r', ) ax.scatter( xn, yn, color='c', label='rotated', ) ax.plot( xn, y_rot, '-', label='fit', color='c', ) ax.scatter( new_coordinates_trans[:, 0], new_coordinates_trans[:, 1], label='homog', ) # plot the line through the new coordintes pnew = np.polyfit( new_coordinates_trans[:, 0], new_coordinates_trans[:, 1], 1 ) ax.plot( new_coordinates_trans[:, 0], np.polyval(pnew, new_coordinates_trans[:, 0]), '-', label='fit homogenized', ) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax.set_ylabel('y [m]') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('output_electrodes.png', dpi=300) # electrodes = np.hstack(( # boundaries bx = new_coordinates_trans[sort_indices, 0] by = new_coordinates_trans[sort_indices, 1] btype = [12 for i in bx] # add boundary # get deepest boundary coordinate y1 = by[-1] - dy y2 = by[0] - dy ymin = min(y1, y2) bx = np.hstack( (bx[0] - dx, bx, [bx[-1] + dx, bx[-1] + dx, bx[0] - dx]) ) by = np.hstack( (by[0], by, [by[-1], ymin, ymin] ) ) btype = np.hstack((12, btype, [11, 11, 11])) boundaries = np.vstack((bx, by, btype)).T # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # ax.scatter(bx, by) # ax.set_aspect('equal') # fig.tight_layout() # fig.savefig('boundaries.png', dpi=300) grid_new = grid_container(None, None, grid_old.char_length_file) grid_new.boundaries = np.copy(boundaries) grid_new.electrodes = np.copy(new_coordinates_trans) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(bx, by, color='g', label='boundaries') ax.scatter(new_coordinates[:, 0], new_coordinates[:, 1], color='g', label='electrodes') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('output_boundaries.png', dpi=300) def transform_back(data): new_data = np.copy(data) new_data[:, 1] += ymax new_data[:, 0] -= offsetx new_data[:, 1] -= offsety tmpx = (new_data[:, 0]) * np.cos(-alpha) - (new_data[:, 1]) * np.sin( -alpha) tmpy = (new_data[:, 0]) * np.sin(-alpha) + (new_data[:, 1]) * np.cos( -alpha) tmpx += offsetx tmpy += offsety return tmpx, tmpy shell_script = '' shell_script += '#!/bin/bash\n' shell_script += 'cr_trig_create grid\n' cmd1 = ''.join(( 'grid_translate -e grid/elem.dat ', '--dx {0} --dz {1} -o elem_trans1.dat'.format( offsetx, ymax - offsety) )) cmd2 = ''.join(( 'grid_rotate -e elem_trans1.dat ', '-a {0} -o elem_trans1_rot1.dat'.format(-alpha * 180 / np.pi) )) cmd3 = ''.join(( 'grid_translate -e elem_trans1_rot1.dat ', '--dx {0} --dz {1} -o elem_trans1_rot1_trans2.dat'.format( offsetx, offsety) )) shell_script += cmd1 + '\n' shell_script += cmd2 + '\n' shell_script += cmd3 + '\n' shell_script += ''.join(( 'grid_plot_wireframe --fancy -t grid/elec.dat ', '-e elem_trans1_rot1_trans2.dat -o trans1_rot1_trans2.png' )) grid_new.script = shell_script tmpx, tmpy = transform_back(grid_new.electrodes) bx, by = transform_back(grid_new.boundaries[:, 0:2]) grid_map = grid_container(char_length_file=grid_old.char_length_file) grid_map.electrodes = np.vstack((tmpx, tmpy)).T grid_map.boundaries = np.vstack((bx, by, grid_new.boundaries[:, 2])).T fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(tmpx, tmpy, color='r', label='new') ax.scatter(x, y, color='b', label='old') ax.scatter(bx, by, color='g', label='boundaries') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('output_map.png', dpi=300) return grid_new, grid_map
[docs] def main(): options = handle_cmd_options() electrodes_file = options.data_dir + os.sep + 'electrodes.dat' boundaries_file = options.data_dir + os.sep + 'boundaries.dat' char_length_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath( options.data_dir + os.sep + 'char_length.dat' )) for filename in (electrodes_file, boundaries_file): if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception('Could find file: {0}'.format(filename)) grid_old = grid_container( electrodes_file, boundaries_file, char_length_file, ) grid_new, grid_map = homogenize_grid(grid_old, options.dx, options.dy) grid_new.save_to_dir(options.output)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()