Source code for grid_gen_depth_decoupling

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Create depth-dependent grid decouplings.

from optparse import OptionParser

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

from crtomo.mpl_setup import *
import crtomo.grid as CRGrid

[docs] def handle_cmd_options(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-e', "--elem", dest="elem_file", type="string", help="elem.dat file (default: elem.dat)", default="elem.dat") parser.add_option('-d', "--decfile", dest="dec_file", type="string", help="elem.dat file (default: decfile.dat)", default="decfile.dat") # parser.add_option("--eps", dest="eps", type="float", # help="User override for distance eps", # default=None) # parser.add_option('-l', "--linefile", dest="linefile", # help="Line file (default: extra_lines.dat)", # default='extra_lines.dat') parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="Output file (default: decouplings.dat)", metavar="FILE", default="decouplings.dat") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options
[docs] def load_decfile(decfile): decdata_raw = np.loadtxt(decfile) indices = np.argsort(decdata_raw[:, 0]) decdata = decdata_raw[indices, :] return decdata
[docs] def get_univariate_spline(zn, dn): spl = UnivariateSpline(xn, dn) spl.set_smoothing_factor(0.1) return spl
[docs] def get_linear_fit(zn, dn): def func(z): if z <= zn.min(): index = np.argmin(zn) return dn[index] if z >= zn.max(): index = np.argmax(zn) return dn[index] if z in zn: index = np.where(z == zn)[0] return dn[index] diff = zn - z p = np.where(diff > 0)[0] pos_nr = np.argmin(zn[p]) max_index = p[pos_nr] p = np.where(diff < 0)[0] neg_nr = np.argmax(zn[p]) min_index = p[neg_nr] x = [zn[min_index], zn[max_index]] y = [dn[min_index], dn[max_index]] from scipy.interpolate import interp1d func = interp1d(x, y) return func(z) def array_func(z_array): result = [func(z) for z in z_array] return result return array_func
[docs] def get_func_decoupling_at_z(decfile, filename=None): decdata = load_decfile(decfile) # interpolate between the nearest z values # Use a spline interpolation to get a smooth curve zn = decdata[:, 0] dn = decdata[:, 1] # interp_func = get_univariate_spline(zn, dn) interp_func = get_linear_fit(zn, dn) # interp_func(-1.1) zs = np.linspace(zn.min(), zn.max(), 40) smooth_decouplings = interp_func(zs) if filename is not None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 5)) ax.plot(decdata[:, 1], decdata[:, 0], '.-', color='k') ax.plot(smooth_decouplings, zs, '.-', color='r') ax.set_xlabel('decoupling') ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 1.1) ax.set_ylabel('depth z') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) return interp_func
[docs] def find_neighbors(grid, element_id): # find neighboring elements neighbors = [] for index, elm1 in enumerate(grid.elements): indices = np.intersect1d(grid.elements[element_id], elm1) if len(indices) == 2: # append element index and the two adjoining nodes neighbors.append(( index, indices[0], indices[1] )) # skip rest of the elements if we reached the maximum nr of possible # neighbors if len(neighbors) == 4: break return neighbors
[docs] def main(): options = handle_cmd_options() decfunc = get_func_decoupling_at_z( options.dec_file, options.output + '.png' ) grid = CRGrid.crt_grid() grid.load_elem_file(options.elem_file) nx = grid.nodes['sorted'][:, 1] ny = grid.nodes['sorted'][:, 2] nxy = np.vstack((nx, ny)).T decoupling_items = [] for elmnr, element in enumerate(grid.elements): neighbors = find_neighbors(grid, elmnr) for neighbor in neighbors: xz = np.array([nxy[i] for i in neighbor[1:]]) # we are only interested in z-coordinates z = xz[:, 1] if z.min() == z.max(): # add decoupling decoupling = decfunc((z[0], ))[0] # print('decoupling', decoupling) decoupling_items.append((elmnr + 1, neighbor[0] + 1, decoupling)) else: # print('vertical side') continue final_decouplings = np.array(decoupling_items) with open(options.output, 'w') as fid: fid.write('{0}\n'.format(final_decouplings.shape[0])) np.savetxt(fid, final_decouplings, fmt='%i %i %f')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()