Source code for grid_extralines_gen_decouplings

#!/usr/bin/env python
# *-* coding: utf-8 *-*
"""Generate a decouplings.dat for CRTomo

From a given extra_lines.dat file (see triangular grid generation in manual),
generate a decouplings.dat for the decoupling of cell interfaces from the

As only the start and end points are given, the algorithm must find all nodes
generated by GMSH along those lines. This is done by comparing the orthogonal
distance of each node to the line. All nodes within a certain threshold
distance are assumed to lie on the line. The threshold is computed by taking
the minimal node distance of the grid (pdist function) and then multiplying
with 0.75. This probably is a little bit overkill and we could also use some
measure of machine precision.

For convenience this threshold can be overwritten using the --eps option.

Some of the for-loops can probably be optimized or replaced by some numpy
broadcasting rules.


    # enter the output directory of

    # this creates the file decouplings.dat --plot_node_nrs --plot_elm_nrs

import sys
import os
# from optparse import OptionParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import numpy as np
import crtomo.mpl
import crtomo.grid as CRGrid

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

import IPython


[docs] def handle_cmd_options_v2(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-e', "--elem", dest="elem_file", type=str, help="elem.dat file (default: elem.dat)", default="elem.dat", ) parser.add_argument( "--eps", dest="eps", type=float, help="User override for distance eps", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '-w', "--eta", action="append", dest="eta", type=float, help="User override for coupling coefficient (default: 0)", # default=0.0, ) parser.add_argument( '-l', "--linefile", # dest="linefile", action='append', # type=str, # help="Line file (default: extra_lines.dat)", # default='extra_lines.dat', ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", dest="output", help="Output file (default: decouplings.dat)", metavar="FILE", default="decouplings.dat", ) parser.add_argument( '-linenr', "--ln", action="store", dest="line_nr", type=int, help="Process only one line with index N (zero indexed)", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--debug_plot', action='store_true', dest='debug_plot', default=True, help='plot a debug plot', ) parser.add_argument( '--plot_node_nrs', action='store_true', dest='plot_node_nrs', default=False, help='plot node numbers in the debug plot. default: False', ) parser.add_argument( '--plot_elm_nrs', action='store_true', dest='plot_elm_nrs', default=False, help='plot elements numbers in the debug plot. default: False', ) args = parser.parse_args() return args
# def handle_cmd_options(): # parser = OptionParser() # parser.add_option( # '-e', # "--elem", # dest="elem_file", # type="string", # help="elem.dat file (default: elem.dat)", # default="elem.dat", # ) # parser.add_option( # "--eps", # dest="eps", # type="float", # help="User override for distance eps", # default=None, # ) # parser.add_option( # "--eta", # action="store", # dest="eta", # type="float", # help="User override for coupling coefficient (default: 0)", # default=0, # ) # parser.add_option( # '-l', # "--linefile", # dest="linefile", # help="Line file (default: extra_lines.dat)", # default='extra_lines.dat', # ) # parser.add_option( # "-o", # "--output", # dest="output", # help="Output file (default: decouplings.dat)", # metavar="FILE", default="decouplings.dat", # ) # parser.add_option( # "--ln", # action="store", # dest="line_nr", # type="int", # help="Process only one line with index N (zero indexed)", # default=None, # ) # parser.add_option( # '--debug_plot', # action='store_true', # dest='debug_plot', # default=True, # help='plot a debug plot', # ) # parser.add_option( # '--plot_node_nrs', # action='store_true', # dest='plot_node_nrs', # default=False, # help='plot node numbers in the debug plot. default: False', # ) # parser.add_option( # '--plot_elm_nrs', # action='store_true', # dest='plot_elm_nrs', # default=False, # help='plot elements numbers in the debug plot. default: False', # ) # (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # return options
[docs] def line_line_intersect(x, y): """Compute the intersection point of two lines Parameters ---------- x = x4 array: x1, x2, x3, x4 y = x4 array: y1, y2, y3, y4 line 1 is defined by p1,p2 line 2 is defined by p3,p4 Returns ------- Ix: x-coordinate of intersection Iy: y-coordinate of intersection """ A = x[0] * y[1] - y[0] * x[1] B = x[2] * y[3] - y[2] * x[4] C = (x[0] - x[1]) * (y[2] - y[3]) - (y[0] - y[1]) * (x[2] - x[3]) Ix = (A * (x[2] - x[3]) - (x[0] - x[1]) * B) / C Iy = (A * (y[2] - y[3]) - (y[0] - y[1]) * B) / C return Ix, Iy
[docs] def distances(x, y, px, py, plot=False): """ Compute shortest distance of points (px, py) to the line described by the end points in (x, y). Parameters ---------- x,y: x and y coordinates of line px: x coordinates of data points py: y coordiante of data points Returns ------- distances: list of distances """ length_line = np.sqrt((x[1] - x[0]) ** 2 + (y[1] - y[0]) ** 2) horizontal = (np.diff(y) == 0) vertical = (np.diff(x) == 0) dist = [] dpl = [] counter = 0 for xp, yp in zip(px, py): # compute distances to the end points dp = np.sqrt((xp - x) ** 2 + (yp - y) ** 2) dpl.append(dp) if np.any(dp > length_line): point_dist = np.min(dp) elif horizontal: point_dist = np.abs(yp - y[0]) elif vertical: point_dist = np.abs(xp - x[0]) else: nominator = np.abs( (y[1] - y[0]) * xp - (x[1] - x[0]) * yp + x[1] * y[0] - y[1] * x[0]) denominator = np.sqrt((y[1] - y[0]) ** 2 + (x[1] - x[0]) ** 2) point_dist = nominator / denominator dist.append(point_dist) counter += 1 # debug plot if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) ax.scatter(x, y) ax.scatter(px, py, color='r') index = 0 for xp, yp in zip(px, py): ax.annotate('{0:.5}, {1:.5}, {2:.5}'.format( dist[index], dpl[index][0], dpl[index][1]), xy=(xp, yp)) index += 1 ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_aspect('equal') return dist
[docs] def get_decouplings_for_line(grid, line, settings, fids=None): """Compute the element pairs for regularisation decoupling, given a grid object and a line, denoted by start and end coordinates, in the grid. Parameters ---------- grid: a crtomo.grid.crt_grid object line: np.array/list with 4 entries: x1, y1, x2, x2, denoting start and end point fids: None, or: list with file ids for debug_nodes Returns ------- neighbors: Mx2 array with the numbers of adjoining elements along the given line """ key = 'presort' # x/z coordinates of 'macro'-line x = [line[0], line[2]] y = [line[1], line[3]] # x/z coordinates of all nodes in the grid nx = grid.nodes[key][:, 1] ny = grid.nodes[key][:, 2] nxy = np.vstack((nx, ny)).T # shortest distance of all nodes to this line dist = np.array(distances(x, y, nx, ny)) # set the epsilon environment if settings.get('eps', None) is not None: eps = settings['eps'] print('Taking user supplied eps value: {0}'.format(eps)) else: import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist pair_distances = spdist.pdist(nxy) print('automatic eps determination') print('minimal distance: {0}'.format(pair_distances.min())) eps = np.sqrt( pair_distances.min() ** 2 - (pair_distances.min() ** 2) / 4 ) print('estimated smallest distance to next node: {0}'.format(eps)) eps *= 0.5 print('final eps (0.5 * estimate): {0}'.format(eps)) if eps == 0: raise Exception('eps == 0') # only consider nodes that lie in the eps environment indices = np.where(dist < eps)[0] # extract these nodes nodes = grid.nodes[key][indices, 0] nodes = indices nodes_full = np.hstack(( grid.nodes[key][indices, :].squeeze(), np.atleast_2d(dist[indices]).T, )) if fids is not None: np.savetxt( fids[0], nodes_full.squeeze() ) np.savetxt( fids[1], np.atleast_2d(dist).T, ) elm_indices = [] elm_nodes = [] # find elements with two nodes in it for elmnr, element in enumerate(grid.elements): if len(np.intersect1d(element, nodes)) == 2: elm_indices.append(elmnr) elm_nodes.append(element) elms = np.array(elm_nodes) # find neighboring elements neighbors = [] eta = settings['eta'] # for each element on the line for index, elm in enumerate(elms): found_it = False for index1, elm1 in enumerate(elms): ints = np.intersect1d(elm, elm1) # only two nodes can be on a line if len(ints) == 2: # this check ensures that we do not identify the # boundary between two adjacent cells on the line # as a decoupling line. if np.all(dist[ints] < eps): found_it = True break else: pass # print( # 'distances of neighbor not correct:', dist[ints], eps # ) # probably the element itself elif len(ints) > 2: # print('found more than two common nodes!') # print('element nodes:', elm) # print('element1 nodes:', elm1) pass if found_it: nb = (elm_indices[index] + 1, elm_indices[index1] + 1, eta) # reversed neighbor # nb_rev = (nb[1], nb[0], nb[2]) # if nb_rev not in neighbors: if True: neighbors.append( nb ) else: pass print('No neighbors found. Strange...') return np.array(neighbors)
[docs] def check_options(options): if options.linefile is None: options.linefile = ['extra_lines.dat', ] if options.eta is None: options.eta = [0.0, ] assert len(options.linefile) == len(options.eta), \ "require same number of --linefile and --eta parameters" for filename in [options.elem_file, ] + options.linefile: if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('File not found: {0}'.format(filename))
[docs] def debug_plot(grid, extra_lines, decoupling_elements, options,): print('Creating debug plot...') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) all_xz = [] for x, z in zip(grid.grid['x'], grid.grid['z']): tmp = np.vstack((x, z)).T all_xz.append(tmp) collection = mpl.collections.PolyCollection( all_xz, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none', linewidth=0.4, ) ax.add_collection(collection) if grid.electrodes is not None: ax.scatter( grid.electrodes[:, 1], grid.electrodes[:, 2], color='k', clip_on=False, label='electrodes', ) # plot extra lines for line in np.atleast_2d(extra_lines): ax.plot( [line[0], line[2]], [line[1], line[3]], '.-', color='c', label='extra line', ) # only line 0 break # plot decouplings label = 'decoupling line' for (el1, el2, coef) in decoupling_elements: n1 = grid.elements[int(el1) - 1] n2 = grid.elements[int(el2) - 1] ints = np.intersect1d(n1, n2) x = grid.nodes['presort'][ints, 1] z = grid.nodes['presort'][ints, 2] ax.plot( x, z, '.-', color='r', # linestyle='dashed', label=label, ) label = '' # plot search nodes nodes = np.loadtxt('debug_search_nodes.dat') ax.scatter( nodes[:, 1], nodes[:, 2], color='g', s=40, clip_on=False, label='search nodes for decoupling', ) for node in nodes: circle = plt.Circle( (node[1], node[2]), radius=node[3], fc='none', ) ax.add_patch(circle) # plot grid numbers if options.plot_elm_nrs: for nr, quads in enumerate(grid.elements): # nr = grid.nodes['presort'][quads, 0], x = grid.nodes['presort'][quads, 1], z = grid.nodes['presort'][quads, 2], # print('NXZ', nr, x, z) ax.annotate( '{0}'.format(nr + 1), xy=( np.mean(x), np.mean(z), ), xycoords='data', ) # # plot node numbers if options.plot_node_nrs: for nr, node in enumerate(grid.nodes['sorted']): ax.annotate( '{0}({1})'.format(nr, node[0]), xy=( node[1], node[2], ), xycoords='data', color='y', ) ax.set_xlim(grid.grid['x'].min(), grid.grid['x'].max()) ax.set_ylim(grid.grid['z'].min(), grid.grid['z'].max()) # ax.autoscale_view() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('z') ax.set_title('Debug plot decoupling lines') fig.tight_layout() ax.legend( loc="lower center", ncol=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0, 1, 1), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, ) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1) fig.savefig('debug_plot_decoupling.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def main(): # options = handle_cmd_options() options = handle_cmd_options_v2() check_options(options) # import IPython # IPython.embed() # exit() grid = CRGrid.crt_grid() grid.load_elem_file(options.elem_file) fids = [] fids.append( open('debug_search_nodes.dat', 'wb') ) fids.append( open('debug_dist.dat', 'wb') ) neighbors = None for linefile, eta in zip(options.linefile, options.eta): extra_lines = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(linefile)) if options.line_nr is None: lines = extra_lines else: print('processing only line: {0}'.format(options.line_nr)) lines = (extra_lines[options.line_nr], ) for line in lines: data = get_decouplings_for_line( grid, line, { 'eps': options.eps, 'eta': eta, }, fids ) if neighbors is None: neighbors = data else: # neighbors = np.vstack( # (neighbors, data) # ) try: if data.size > 0: neighbors = np.vstack( (neighbors, data) ) except Exception as e: print('Exception') print(e) print(data) import IPython IPython.embed() for fid in fids: fid.close() with open(options.output, 'w') as fid: fid.write('{0}\n'.format(neighbors.shape[0])) with open(options.output, 'ab') as fid: np.savetxt(fid, np.array(neighbors), fmt='%i %i %.3f') if options.debug_plot: debug_plot( grid=grid, extra_lines=extra_lines, decoupling_elements=np.array(neighbors), options=options, )
if __name__ == '__main__': main()