Source code for crtomo.analytical_solution

r"""Analytical potential distribution over a half-space

For a homogeneous full space, the potential distribution over a point source is
given as:

:math:`\varphi(r) = I \frac{1}{4 \pi \sigma r}`

import numpy as np

[docs] def pot_ana(r, rho): """Return the analytical potential in distance r over a homogeneous half-space """ current = 1.0 sigma = 1.0 / rho old_err_state = np.seterr(divide='ignore') phi = np.divide(current, (2.0 * np.pi * sigma * r)) np.seterr(**old_err_state) return phi
[docs] def compute_potentials_analytical_hs(grid, configs_raw, rho): """Compute the potential superpositions of each current dipole in the configurations, using the provided resistivity Parameters ---------- grid: crt_grid object with loaded FE grid. Used for the electrode positions configs_raw: numpy.ndarray Nx4 array containing N four-point spreads rho: float resistivity of half-space Returns ------- potentials: list List containing N arrays, each of size M (nr of grid nodes) """ assert isinstance(rho, (float, int)) potentials = [] # nodes_sorted = grid.nodes['presort'] nodes_raw = grid.nodes['presort'] for config in configs_raw - 1: print('CONFIG', config) # determine distance of all nodes to both electrodes # e1_node = grid.get_electrode_node(config[0]) # electrode1 = nodes_sorted[e1_node][1:3] electrode1 = grid.electrodes[config[0], 1:3] # electrode1 = nodes_sorted[config[0]][1:3] r1 = np.sqrt( (nodes_raw[:, 1] - electrode1[0]) ** 2 + (nodes_raw[:, 2] - electrode1[1]) ** 2 ) # electrode2 = nodes_sorted[config[1]][1:3] # e2_node = grid.get_electrode_node(config[1]) # electrode2 = nodes_sorted[e2_node][1:3] electrode2 = grid.electrodes[config[1], 1:3] r2 = np.sqrt( (nodes_raw[:, 1] - electrode2[0]) ** 2 + (nodes_raw[:, 2] - electrode2[1]) ** 2 ) pot1 = pot_ana(r1, rho) pot2 = - pot_ana(r2, rho) pot12 = pot1 + pot2 potentials.append(pot12) return potentials
[docs] def compute_voltages(grid, configs_raw, potentials_raw): """Given a list of potential distribution and corresponding four-point spreads, compute the voltages Parameters ---------- grid: crt_grid object the grid is used to infer electrode positions configs_raw: Nx4 array containing the measurement configs (1-indexed) potentials_raw: list with N entries corresponding to each measurement, containing the node potentials of each injection dipole. """ # we operate on 0-indexed arrays, config holds 1-indexed values # configs = configs_raw - 1 voltages = [] for config, potentials in zip(configs_raw - 1, potentials_raw): print('CONFIG AAA ', config) e3_node = int(grid.electrodes[config[2], 0]) e4_node = int(grid.electrodes[config[3], 0]) # e3_node = grid.get_electrode_node(config[2]) # e4_node = grid.get_electrode_node(config[3]) voltage = potentials[e3_node] - potentials[e4_node] voltages.append(voltage) return voltages