#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parse a GMSH mesh and produce a FEM grid for CRMod/CRTomo. This script should
not be called directly, as it requires the input and output files from
import time
import crtomo.mpl
import numpy as np
plt, mpl = crtomo.mpl.setup()
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 6.0
def parse_gmsh(filename, boundary_file):
Parse a GMSH .msh file and return a dictionary containing the data
neccessary to create CRTomo grids
mesh = {}
fid = open(filename, 'r')
line = fid.readline()
while (line):
if (line.startswith('$MeshFormat')):
elif (line.startswith('$Nodes')):
nodes = []
line = fid.readline()
nr_nodes = np.fromstring(line, dtype=int, count=1, sep=r'\n')
while (line):
line = fid.readline()
if (line.startswith('$EndNodes')):
node = np.fromstring(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')
mesh['nodes'] = nodes
elif (line.startswith('$Elements')):
Create a dictionary with the element types as keys. E.g.:
elements['15'] provides all elements of type 15 (Points)
elements = {}
line = fid.readline()
nr_elements = np.fromstring(line, dtype=int, count=1, sep=r'\n')
while (line):
line = fid.readline()
if (line.startswith('$EndElements')):
element = np.fromstring(line, dtype=int, sep=' ')
# el_nr = element[0]
el_type = element[1]
el_nr_tags = element[2]
# el_tags = element[3:3 + el_nr_tags]
el_nodes = element[3 + el_nr_tags:]
# now decide where to put it
key = str(el_type)
if (key in elements.keys()):
elements[key] = []
mesh['elements'] = elements
line = fid.readline()
# if boundary_file is != None, then sort the lines (element type 1)
# according to the element types
boundaries = {}
if (boundary_file is not None):
# load the original boundary lines
# it is possible that GMSH added additional nodes on these lines, and
# that is why we need to find all mesh lines that lie on these original
# lines.
bids = np.loadtxt(boundary_file)
for btype in ('12', '11'):
# select all original boundaries with this type
a = np.where(bids[:, 4] == int(btype))[0]
boundaries[btype] = []
# for each of those lines, find all lines of the mesh that belong
# here
for orig_line in bids[a, :]:
# print('Find all lines lying on the line: ')
found_one_line = False
# print(orig_line)
# construct line equation
# x1 == x2 ?
# split into coordinates
ox1 = orig_line[0]
ox2 = orig_line[2]
oy1 = orig_line[1]
oy2 = orig_line[3]
if (orig_line[0] == orig_line[2]):
# special case: we only need to find all lines with x1 ==
# x2 == x1_orig and y_min >= y_orig_min and y_max <=
# <_orig_max
for line in elements['1']:
if (btype == '11'):
if (line[0] == 48 and line[1] == 150):
# print('Find all lines lying on the line: ')
# print('This is the line')
# it doesn't matter any more to be able to assign x ->
# y values. Thus we can sort the y values and just
# check
# if the new line lies in between the original one
oy1, oy2 = np.sort([orig_line[1], orig_line[3]])
x1, x2 = np.sort(
mesh['nodes'][line[0] - 1][1],
mesh['nodes'][line[1] - 1][1]
y1, y2 = np.sort(
mesh['nodes'][line[0] - 1][2],
mesh['nodes'][line[1] - 1][2]
if np.isclose(x1, x2) and np.isclose(x2, ox1):
if (y1 >= oy1 and y2 <= oy2):
found_one_line = True
# print('checking with full line equation')
# no vertical line
# we need the full check using the line equation
slope = (orig_line[1] - orig_line[3]) / (
orig_line[0] - orig_line[2])
intersect = orig_line[1] - (slope * orig_line[0])
# print('Slope', slope, ' Intercept ', intersect)
for line in elements['1']:
x1 = mesh['nodes'][line[0] - 1][1]
y1 = mesh['nodes'][line[0] - 1][2]
x2 = mesh['nodes'][line[1] - 1][1]
y2 = mesh['nodes'][line[1] - 1][2]
# print(x1, x2, y1, y1)
check = False
# check if x coordinates of the test line fit in the
# original line
if (ox1 < ox2):
if (x1 < x2):
if ((np.isclose(x1, ox1) or x1 > ox1) and
(np.isclose(x2, ox2) or x2 < ox2)):
check = True
if ((np.isclose(x2, ox1) or x2 >= ox1) and
(np.isclose(x1, ox2) or x1 <= ox2)):
check = True
if (x1 < x2):
if ((np.isclose(x1, ox2) or x1 >= ox2) and
(np.isclose(x2, ox1) or x2 <= ox1)):
check = True
if ((np.isclose(x2, ox2) or x2 >= ox2) and
(np.isclose(x1, ox1) or x1 <= ox1)):
check = True
# print('boundary check:', check)
if (check):
# the line lies within the x-range of the orig line
ytest1 = slope * x1 + intersect
ytest2 = slope * x2 + intersect
if (np.around(ytest1 - y1, 5) == 0 and
np.around(ytest2 - y2, 5) == 0):
# found = True
found_one_line = True
# print('found it new', line)
# add a weak check: we need to find at least one line in the
# mesh corresponding to this boundary line:
if not found_one_line:
raise Exception('no mesh line found for this boundary')
print('Total number of boundaries of this type:',
mesh['boundaries'] = boundaries
return mesh
class _line():
def __init__(self, p1, p2):
self.p1_x = p1[0]
self.p1_y = p1[1]
self.p2_x = p2[0]
self.p2_y = p2[1]
def get_diff(self):
diff = []
diff.append(self.p1_x - self.p2_x)
diff.append(self.p1_y - self.p2_y)
return np.array(diff)
def get_distance(self):
diff = self.get_diff()
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff ** 2))
return dist
def get_center(self):
Return (x,y) coordinate of central point
dist = self.get_distance()
diff = self.get_diff()
direction = diff / dist
center_x = self.p2_x + (dist * 0.5) * direction[0]
center_y = self.p2_y + (dist * 0.5) * direction[1]
return np.array([center_x, center_y])
def debug_plot_mesh(mesh, boundary_elements):
plot_large = True
# prepare nodes
nodes = np.array(mesh['nodes'])
tx = nodes[:, 1]
ty = nodes[:, 2]
# adapt height of plot to size of grid
tx_size = np.abs(np.max(tx) - np.min(tx))
ty_size = np.abs(np.max(ty) - np.min(ty))
if (plot_large):
width = 10
width = 7
size_x = width
size_y = width * (ty_size / tx_size) * 1.5
# plot triangles
triangles = np.array(mesh['elements']['2']) - 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(size_x, size_y))
ax.triplot(tx, ty, triangles, color='k', linewidth=1.0)
# plot boundaries in red
# lines = np.array(mesh['elements']['1']) - 1
lines = np.array(mesh['boundaries']['12'] + mesh['boundaries']['11']) - 1
lx = nodes[lines, 1]
ly = nodes[lines, 2]
for index in range(0, lx.shape[0]):
# for index in range(0, 1):
ax.plot(lx[index, :], ly[index, :], 'r.', alpha=0.4)
# draw a line to the neighbour
line_obj = _line([lx[index, 0], ly[index, 0]],
[lx[index, 1], ly[index, 1]])
center = line_obj.get_center()
ntri = np.array(mesh['elements']['2'])[int(boundary_elements[index])]
ntri_x = nodes[ntri - 1, 1]
ntri_y = nodes[ntri - 1, 2]
# compute centroid of element adjacent to the boundary element
centroidx = np.sum(ntri_x) / 3
centroidy = np.sum(ntri_y) / 3
ax.plot([centroidx, center[0]], [centroidy, center[1]], color='g',
label='adjacent elements')
ax.annotate('{0}'.format(index), xy=(centroidx, centroidy),
fontsize=6.0, color='k')
ax.set_xlim([np.min(tx) - 0.1, np.max(tx) + 0.1])
ax.set_ylim([np.min(ty) - 0.1, np.max(ty) + 0.1])
# plot electrodes
electrodes = np.loadtxt('../electrode_positions.dat')
ax.scatter(electrodes[:, 0], electrodes[:, 1], s=30,
if (plot_large):
dpi = 600
dpi = 300
fig.savefig('../../triangle_grid.jpg', dpi=dpi)
def get_nodes(mesh):
nodes = np.array(mesh['nodes'])
str_nodes = ''
for node_nr in range(0, nodes.shape[0]):
str_nodes += '{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(node_nr + 1, nodes[node_nr, 1],
nodes[node_nr, 2])
return str_nodes
def get_elements(mesh):
# print('Get elements')
str_elements = ''
# triangles
for element in ('2'):
el = mesh['elements'][element]
for item in el:
# the reverse should ensure counter-clockwise element nodes
if (element == '1'):
# boundary elements
lst = item
lst = reversed(item)
for i in lst:
str_elements += '{0} '.format(i)
str_elements += '\n'
# boundary elements
for btype in ('12', '11'):
for line in mesh['boundaries'][btype]:
str_elements += '{0} {1}\n'.format(line[0], line[1])
return (str_elements)
def get_adj_bound_v1(mesh):
Determine triangular elements adjacent to the boundary elements
print('Get elements adjacent to boundaries V1')
start = time.perf_counter()
boundary_elements = []
str_adj_boundaries = ''
# for boundary in mesh['elements']['1']:
boundaries = mesh['boundaries']['12'] + mesh['boundaries']['11']
for boundary in boundaries:
# now find the triangle ('2') with two nodes equal to this boundary
indices = [nr if (boundary[0] in x and boundary[1] in x) else np.nan
for (nr, x) in enumerate(mesh['elements']['2'])]
indices = np.array(indices)[~np.isnan(indices)]
# import IPython
# IPython.embed()
# exit()
if (len(indices) != 1):
print('More than one neighbour found!')
elif (len(indices) == 0):
print('No neighbour found!')
str_adj_boundaries += '{0}\n'.format(int(indices[0]) + 1)
end = time.perf_counter()
print('Elapsed time: {:.2}s'.format(end - start))
return str_adj_boundaries, boundary_elements
def get_adj_bound_v2(mesh):
Determine triangular elements adjacent to the boundary elements
print('Get elements adjacent to boundaries V2')
start = time.perf_counter()
boundary_elements = []
str_adj_boundaries = ''
# for boundary in mesh['elements']['1']:
boundaries = mesh['boundaries']['12'] + mesh['boundaries']['11']
elements = np.array(mesh['elements']['2'])
for boundary in boundaries:
# # now find the triangle ('2') with two nodes equal to this boundary
# indices = [nr if (boundary[0] in x and boundary[1] in x) else np.nan
# for (nr, x) in enumerate(mesh['elements']['2'])]
# indices = np.array(indices)[~np.isnan(indices)]
indices = np.intersect1d(
np.where(np.any(elements == boundary[0], axis=1))[0],
np.where(np.any(elements == boundary[1], axis=1))[0]
# import IPython
# IPython.embed()
# exit()
if (len(indices) != 1):
print('More than one neighbour found!')
elif (len(indices) == 0):
print('No neighbour found!')
str_adj_boundaries += '{0}\n'.format(int(indices[0]) + 1)
end = time.perf_counter()
print('Elapsed time: {:.2}s'.format(end - start))
return str_adj_boundaries, boundary_elements
def write_elec_file(filename, mesh):
Read in the electrode positions and return the indices of the electrodes
# TODO: Check if you find all electrodes
elecs = []
# print('Write electrodes')
electrodes = np.loadtxt(filename)
for i in electrodes:
# find
for nr, j in enumerate(mesh['nodes']):
if np.isclose(j[1], i[0]) and np.isclose(j[2], i[1]):
elecs.append(nr + 1)
fid = open('elec.dat', 'w')
for i in elecs:
def main():
mesh = parse_gmsh('../commands.msh', '../boundary_lines.dat')
# now create the CRTomo grid
1. Header
2. Nodes
3. Elements: Triangles, Boundary elements
4. Element ids for adjoining boundary elements
str_header = get_header(mesh)
str_nodes = get_nodes(mesh)
str_elements = get_elements(mesh)
# v1 is slow....
# str_adj_boundaries1, boundary_elements1 = get_adj_bound_v1(mesh)
str_adj_boundaries2, boundary_elements2 = get_adj_bound_v2(mesh)
# import IPython
# IPython.embed()
# exit()
crt_mesh = str_header + str_nodes + str_elements + str_adj_boundaries2
fid = open('../elem.dat', 'w')
write_elec_file('../electrode_positions.dat', mesh)
debug_plot_mesh(mesh, boundary_elements2)