#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create irregular (triangular) meshes for CRMod/CRTomo from simple ASCII input
Create the input files "electrodes.dat", "boundaries.dat", "char_length.dat"
according to the CRLab manual. An optional file "gmsh_commands.dat" file can be
used to append GMSH commands at the end of the generated gmsh command file.
Note that these command will be executed only after the initial meshing, but
can be used to refine the mesh.
Then run the command `cr_trig_create`.
If an (optional) parameter is provided, use this as the output directory. This
directory must not exist. In case no parameter is given, create a random
directory using the uuid module.
The output directory is printed in the last line of program output.
The command line interface is documented as follows:
.. program-output:: cr_trig_create -h
>>> # note that this is a shell example, not Python!
cat electrodes.dat
1.0 0.0
2.0 0.0
>>> cat boundaries.dat
0.0 0.0 12
1.0 0.0 12
2.0 0.0 11
2.0 -2.0 11
0.0 -2.0 11
>>> cat char_length.dat
>>> cat extra_lines.dat
0.5 -0.5 1.5 -1.5
>>> cr_trig_create.py
* this file needs to be restructured. The complexity has outgrown the initial
* investigate the ' attractor field' to set characteristic lengths (see notes
below) http://gmsh.info/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html
import numpy as np
import uuid
import shutil
import os
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
import crtomo.binaries as cBin
def handle_cmd_options():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-m", "--add_stabilizer_nodes", dest="add_stab_nodes",
help="(for surface electrodes only!) How many nodes " +
"to put between electrodes", metavar="NR",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
return options, args
class Mesh():
GMSH distinguishes three types of objects:
* Points on the boundary (i.e., points that create the boundary)
* Lines that connect Points to form the actual boundaries
* Points in Surface, nodes (or points) that lie IN the grid and need to
be connected to the grid
TODO: I think we don't need to add electrodes as POINTS, only as POINT IN
SURFACE, because POINTs that do not belong to a line will not be included
in the final mesh, or? Check.
Possible Answer: We need to define the Points before we can add them with
the IN SURFACe command.
Check for duplicate entries in input files
Can we test if all electrodes and extra-nodes lie in the boundaries?
Sort boundaries
Add extra-nodes (for inner-grid-structure)
Add extra-lines (for inner-grid-structure)
def __init__(self):
self.Points = []
self.Charlengths = []
self.Lines = []
self.Electrodes = []
self.Boundaries = []
self.BoundaryIndices = []
self.ExtraNodes = []
self.ExtraLineIndices = []
def get_point_id(self, p, char_length):
Return the id of the given point (x,y) tuple.
print('Checking point', p)
# TODO: This search loop NEEDS to be replaced with something sane
index = -1
for nr, i in enumerate(self.Points):
if (np.all(i == p)):
print('Point already in list at index {0}'.format(nr))
if self.Charlengths[nr] > char_length:
print('Updating characteristic length')
self.Charlengths[nr] = char_length
return nr
if (index == -1):
print('adding point:', p)
return len(self.Points) - 1
def add_boundary(self, p1, p2, btype):
Add a boundary line
index = self.add_line(p1, p2, self.char_lengths['boundary'])
# self.Boundaries.append((p1_id,p2_id,btype))
self.Boundaries.append((p1, p2, btype))
def add_line(self, p1, p2, char_length):
Add a line to the list. Check if the nodes already exist, and add them
if not.
Return the line index (1-indixed, starting with 1)
p1_id = self.get_point_id(p1, char_length)
p2_id = self.get_point_id(p2, char_length)
self.Lines.append((p1_id, p2_id))
return len(self.Lines)
def is_in(self, search_list, pair):
If pair is in search_list, return the index. Otherwise return -1
index = -1
for nr, i in enumerate(search_list):
if (np.all(i == pair)):
return nr
return index
def read_electrodes(self, electrodes):
Read in electrodes, check if points already exist
for nr, electrode in enumerate(electrodes):
index = self.get_point_id(
electrode, self.char_lengths['electrode'])
def write_electrodes(self, filename):
Write X Y coordinates of electrodes
fid = open(filename, 'w')
for i in self.Electrodes:
fid.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(self.Points[i][0], self.Points[i][1]))
def write_boundaries(self, filename):
Write boundary lines X1 Y1 X2 Y2 TYPE to file
fid = open(filename, 'w')
for i in self.Boundaries:
# fid.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(i[0], i[1], i[2]))
'{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n'.format(
i[0][0], i[0][1], i[1][0], i[1][1], i[2]))
def read_char_lengths(self, filename, electrode_filename):
"""Read characteristic lengths from the given file.
The file is expected to have either 1 or 4 entries/lines with
characteristic lengths > 0 (floats). If only one value is encountered,
it is used for all four entities. If four values are encountered, they
are assigned, in order, to:
1) electrode nodes
2) boundary nodes
3) nodes from extra lines
4) nodes from extra nodes
Note that in case one node belongs to multiple entities, the smallest
characteristic length will be used.
If four values are used and the electrode length is negative, then the
electrode positions will be read in (todo: we open the electrode.dat
file two times here...) and the minimal distance between all electrodes
will be multiplied by the absolute value of the imported value, and
used as the characteristic length:
.. math::
l_{electrodes} = min(pdist(electrodes)) * |l_{electrodes}^{from
The function scipy.spatial.distance.pdist is used to compute the global
minimal distance between any two electrodes.
It is advisable to only used values in the range [-1, 0) for the
automatic char length option.
if os.path.isfile(filename):
data = np.atleast_1d(np.loadtxt(filename))
if data.size == 4:
characteristic_length = data
# check sign of first (electrode) length value
if characteristic_length[0] < 0:
elec_positions = np.loadtxt(electrode_filename)
except Exception:
raise IOError(
'The was an error opening the electrode file')
import scipy.spatial.distance
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(elec_positions)
characteristic_length[0] = min(distances) * np.abs(
if characteristic_length[0] == 0:
raise Exception(
'Error computing electrode ' +
'distances (got a minimal distance of zero')
characteristic_length = np.ones(4) * data[0]
characteristic_length = np.ones(4)
if np.any(characteristic_length <= 0):
raise Exception('No negative characteristic lengths allowed ' +
'(except for electrode length')
self.char_lengths = {}
for key, item in zip(('electrode',
self.char_lengths[key] = item
def write_points(self, fid):
Write the grid points to the GMSH-command file.
fid: file object for the command file (.geo)
for nr, point in enumerate(self.Points):
'Point({0}) = {{{1}, {2}, 0, {3}}};\n'.format(
nr + 1, point[0], point[1], self.Charlengths[nr]))
def write_lines(self, fid):
for nr, line in enumerate(self.Lines):
'Line({0}) = {{{1},{2}}};\n'.format(
nr + 1, line[0] + 1, line[1] + 1))
def write_in_plane_nodes(self, fid):
for nr, line in enumerate(self.Electrodes):
fid.write('Point {{{0}}} In Surface {{7}};\n'.format(line + 1))
def write_geo_file(self, filename):
Write the .geo file
fid = open(filename, 'w')
# 2D mesh algorithm (1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal,
# 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
# according to the GMSH-mailing list the frontal algorithm should be
# one of the best in terms of grid quality
fid.write('Mesh.Algorithm = 6;\n')
# fid.write('Coherence;\n')
# write line loop
fid.write('Line Loop(1) = {')
fid.write(','.join(['{0}'.format(x) for x in self.BoundaryIndices]))
# for i in self.BoundaryIndices:
# fid.write('{0},'.format(i))
# # fid.write('{0}}};\n'.format(len(self.Lines)))
fid.write('Plane Surface(7) = {1};\n')
# fid.write('Coherence;\n')
# fid.write('Coherence;\n')
for index in self.ExtraLineIndices:
fid.write('Line {' + '{0}'.format(index) + '} In Surface {7};\n')
# Lloyd mesh optimisation crashes
# fid.write('Mesh.Lloyd = 1;\n')
# run the mesher
fid.write('Mesh 7;')
if os.path.isfile('../gmsh_commands.dat'):
fid2 = open('../gmsh_commands.dat', 'r')
additional_commands = fid2.read()
def _check_for_duplicate_boundary_nodes(boundaries):
# generate a complex number for each (x,y) pair
xy = boundaries[:, 0] + 1j * boundaries[:, 1]
# for numpy > 1.9 , use:
unique_values, indices, indices_rev, counts = np.unique(
# numpy 1.8 -->
unique_values, indices, indices_rev = np.unique(
# now bin the indices we use to reconstruct the original array. Each index
# that is present more than once will manifest in a bin with a number
# larger than one. Use as many bins as there are indices.
nr_bins = np.abs(indices_rev.min() - indices_rev.max()) + 1
counts, b = np.histogram(indices_rev, bins=nr_bins)
# <!-- numpy 1.8
doublets = np.where(counts > 1)
if doublets[0].size > 0:
print('ERROR: Duplicate boundary coordinates found!')
print('ERROR: Debug information')
for doublet in doublets[0]:
print('x y type:')
print(boundaries[doublet, :])
print('lines: ')
print(np.where(indices_rev == doublet)[0])
raise Exception('Duplicate boundary coordinates found!')
def _check_boundary_type_ordering(boundaries):
"""Check that type 12 boundaries come before type 11 boundaries, and that
type 11 and type 12 boundaries are continuous
type_11_indices = np.where(boundaries[:, 2] == 11)[0]
type_12_indices = np.where(boundaries[:, 2] == 12)[0]
if len(type_12_indices):
# type 12 should be at the beginning
assert 0 in type_12_indices, \
"boundaries must begin with type 12 boundaries"
if len(type_11_indices):
assert type_11_indices.min() > type_12_indices.max(), \
"type 11 boundaries must come after type 12"
def check_boundaries(boundaries):
def add_stabilizer_nodes(boundaries_raw, electrodes, nr_nodes_between):
Segmentation of nodes:
we have the existing nodes
N.F is the ratio of required nodes and existing nodes
first, add N nodes to each segment
then, add one more node to the F first segments
* assume ordered boundaries
boundaries = []
boundaries = boundaries_raw
# find first electrode in boundary
for nr in range(electrodes.shape[0] - 1):
index0 = np.where(
(boundaries[:, 0] == electrodes[nr, 0]) &
(boundaries[:, 1] == electrodes[nr, 1])
index1 = np.where(
(boundaries[:, 0] == electrodes[nr + 1, 0]) &
(boundaries[:, 1] == electrodes[nr + 1, 1])
index0 = index0[0]
index1 = index1[0]
if index1 - index0 < 0:
index0, index1 = index1, index0
running_index = index0
nr_nodes = index1 - index0 - 1
while nr_nodes < nr_nodes_between:
# determine line equation
xy0 = boundaries[running_index, 0:2]
xy1 = boundaries[running_index + 1, 0:2]
direction = xy1 - xy0
heading = direction / np.sqrt(np.sum(direction ** 2))
# new node
xy_new = xy0 + heading * direction / 2.0
a = boundaries[running_index, 2][np.newaxis]
xyb = np.hstack((xy_new, a))
boundaries = np.insert(boundaries, running_index + 1, xyb, axis=0)
# 2, because we have to count the new one
running_index += 2
index1 += 1
nr_nodes += 1
if running_index == index1:
running_index = index0
return boundaries
def main():
options, args = handle_cmd_options()
# determine a unique directory name
pwdx = os.getcwd()
electrodes = np.loadtxt('electrodes.dat')
assert electrodes.shape[1] == 2, "electrodes.dat must have 2 columns!"
boundaries_raw = np.loadtxt('boundaries.dat')
if options.add_stab_nodes:
boundaries = add_stabilizer_nodes(boundaries_raw,
boundaries = boundaries_raw
# create output directory
directory = 'tmp_grid_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
print('Using directory: ' + directory)
shutil.copy('electrodes.dat', directory + os.sep + 'electrodes.dat')
shutil.copy('boundaries.dat', directory + os.sep + 'boundaries.dat')
if os.path.isfile('extra_nodes.dat'):
shutil.copy('extra_nodes.dat', directory + os.sep + 'extra_nodes.dat')
if (os.path.isfile('char_length.dat')):
shutil.copy('char_length.dat', directory + os.sep + 'char_length.dat')
if os.path.isfile('extra_lines.dat'):
directory + os.sep + 'extra_lines.dat')
if os.path.isfile('gmsh_commands.dat'):
directory + os.sep + 'gmsh_commands.dat')
mesh = Mesh()
mesh.read_char_lengths('char_length.dat', 'electrodes.dat')
# create boundary lines from boundary nodes
for index in range(0, boundaries.shape[0]):
print(index, (index + 1) % boundaries.shape[0])
a = index
b = (index + 1) % boundaries.shape[0]
boundaries[a, 0:2], boundaries[b, 0:2], boundaries[a, 2])
if os.path.isfile('extra_nodes.dat'):
if os.path.isfile('extra_lines.dat'):
gmsh_binary = cBin.get('gmsh')
print('Calling binary: {0}'.format(gmsh_binary))
return_code = subprocess.call(
'{0} -format msh2 -2 commands.geo'.format(gmsh_binary),
if return_code != 0:
raise Exception('There was an error during execution of GMSH')
import cr_trig_parse_gmsh
# return_code = subprocess.call('cr_trig_parse_gmsh.py', shell=True)
# if return_code != 0:
# raise Exception(
# 'There was an error during execution of cr_trig_parse_gmsh.sh'
# )
shutil.copy('elec.dat', 'grid/elec.dat')
shutil.copy('../elem.dat', 'grid/elem.dat')
cutmck_binary = cBin.get('CutMcK')
print('Calling binary: {0}'.format(cutmck_binary))
return_code = subprocess.call(cutmck_binary, shell=True)
if return_code != 0:
raise Exception(
'There was an error during execution of CutMcK'
# for convenience, copy the final grid files to the top level
shutil.copy('elem.dat', '../../../elem.dat')
shutil.copy('elec.dat', '../../../elec.dat')
print('The final grid can be found in:')
# if we have one parameter, use this as the output directory
if len(args) == 1:
output_dir = args[0]
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
shutil.move(directory, output_dir)
print('temporary directory:')
raise Exception('output directory already exists!')
if __name__ == '__main__':