Source code for cr_get_modelling_errors

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Plot deviation between CRMod-derived apparent resistivities and analytical
resistivity vs K-factors. Also save the relative deviations to a .dat file.

dev = (R_mod * K - rho0) / rho0

* R_mod - modelled resistance value (using CRMod)
* K - geometric factor over a homogeneous half-space, computed using the
  analytical formula
* rho0: resistivity of homogeneous half-space

Output files

OUTPUT.png: plot K vs. rel. modelling errors

OUTPUT.dat: Nx2 array, first column: analytical K factors,
                       second column: rel. modelling errors

Usage example
------------- --elem grid1/elem.dat --elec grid1/elec.dat\
        --config grid1/config.dat -o grid1_modelling_error.png

from optparse import OptionParser

import numpy as np

import crtomo.mpl
import crtomo.grid as CRGrid
import crtomo.tdManager as tdManager
plt, mpl = crtomo.mpl.setup()

[docs] def handle_cmd_options(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-e", "--elem", dest="elem_file", type="string", help="elem.dat file (default: elem.dat)", default="elem.dat" ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--elec", dest="elec_file", type="string", help="elec.dat file (default: elec.dat)", default="elec.dat" ) parser.add_option( "--config", dest="config_file", type="string", help="config.dat file (default: config.dat)", default="config.dat" ) parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest="output_file", type="string", help="Output file (plot) (default: modelling_error.png)", default='modelling_error.png' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options
[docs] def compute_K_factors(elem_file, elec_file, config_file): grid = CRGrid.crt_grid() grid.load_grid(elem_file, elec_file) # we support different types of config files # if the first line has four columns, treat it as an a b m n file, # otherwise assume its a CRMod/CRtomo volt.dat file first_line = np.genfromtxt(config_file, max_rows=1) if first_line.size == 1: configs = np.loadtxt(config_file, skiprows=1) A = np.round(configs[:, 0] / 1e4).astype(int) - 1 B = np.mod(configs[:, 0], 1e4).astype(int) - 1 M = np.round(configs[:, 1] / 1e4).astype(int) - 1 N = np.mod(configs[:, 1], 1e4).astype(int) - 1 else: A, B, M, N = np.loadtxt(config_file).astype(int).T - 1 # we assume that electrodes are positioned on the surface # therefore we only need X coordinates Exz = grid.get_electrode_positions() Ex = Exz[:, 0] # make sure Ez are all the same if np.any(Exz[:, 1] - Exz[0, 1] != 0): print('Are you sure that the grid approximates a halfspace?') exit() # get coordinates Xa = Ex[A] Xb = Ex[B] Xm = Ex[M] Xn = Ex[N] r_am = np.abs(Xa - Xm) r_bm = np.abs(Xb - Xm) r_an = np.abs(Xa - Xn) r_bn = np.abs(Xb - Xn) geom = (1 / r_am - 1 / r_bm - 1 / r_an + 1 / r_bn) K = (2 * np.pi) * (geom) ** (-1) return K, np.vstack((A + 1, B + 1, M + 1, N + 1)).T
[docs] def get_R_mod(options, rho0): """Compute synthetic measurements over a homogeneous half-space """ tomodir = tdManager.tdMan( elem_file=options.elem_file, elec_file=options.elec_file, config_file=options.config_file, ) # set model tomodir.add_homogeneous_model(magnitude=rho0) # only interested in magnitudes Z = tomodir.measurements()[:, 0] return Z
[docs] def plot_and_save_deviations(rho0, rho_mod, Kfactors, filename, configs): print('plotting') # multiply by 100 to get percentage deviation = np.abs((rho_mod - rho0) / rho0) * 100 # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 4)) ax.loglog(np.abs(Kfactors), deviation, '.') ax.set_xlabel('K [m]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{K \cdot R^{mod} - \rho_0}{\rho_0}~[\%]$') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) # save filename_plot = filename[:-3] + 'dat' Kfactors = Kfactors[:, np.newaxis] deviation = deviation[:, np.newaxis] K_dev = np.hstack(( configs, Kfactors, deviation )) with open(filename_plot, 'wb') as fid: fid.write(bytes('#A B M N K Dev[%]\n', 'utf-8')) np.savetxt( fid, K_dev, fmt='%.3i %.3i %.3i %.3i %.4f %.6f' ) indices_sorted = np.argsort(deviation[:, 0]) K_dev_sorted = np.hstack( ( configs[indices_sorted, :], Kfactors[indices_sorted, :], deviation[indices_sorted, :] ) ) with open(filename_plot[:-4] + '_sorted.dat', 'wb') as fid: fid.write(bytes('#A B M N K Dev[%]\n', 'utf-8')) np.savetxt( fid, K_dev_sorted, fmt='%.3i %.3i %.3i %.3i %.4f %.6f' )
[docs] def main(): # homogeneous background resistivity [Ohm m] rho0 = 100 options = handle_cmd_options() Kfactors, configs = compute_K_factors( options.elem_file, options.elec_file, options.config_file) Rmod = get_R_mod(options, rho0) rho_mod = np.abs(Kfactors) * Rmod plot_and_save_deviations( rho0, rho_mod, Kfactors, options.output_file, configs )
if __name__ == '__main__': main()