import numpy as np
Convert between different representations for complex resistivity spectra
Basically we always have two parameters for each frequency. These two
parameters can be representated in various forms: conductivity/resistivity;
magnitude-phase/real-imaginary part.
Note that in this context it doesn't matter if we deal with conductivities or
conductances (same for resitivity and resistance).
def split_data(data, squeeze=False):
Split 1D or 2D into two parts, using the last axis
squeeze : squeeze results to remove unnecessary dimensions
vdata = np.atleast_2d(data)
nr_freqs = int(vdata.shape[1] / 2)
part1 = vdata[:, 0:nr_freqs]
part2 = vdata[:, nr_freqs:]
part1 = part1.squeeze()
part2 = part2.squeeze()
return part1, part2
def to_complex(mag, pha):
complex_nr = mag * np.exp(1j / 1000 * pha.astype(np.float32))
return complex_nr
def generic_magpha_to_reim(mag, pha):
Generically convert magnitude and phase to real and imaginary part using
the formula :math:`mag \cdot exp(1j / 1000 * pha)`
Thus it is suitable for resistivities, multiply conductivity phases with -1
complex_nr = to_complex(mag, pha)
real_part = np.real(complex_nr)
imag_part = np.imag(complex_nr)
return real_part, imag_part
# # from converter ##
def from_ccomplex(data):
cre = np.real(data)
cim = np.imag(data)
return cre, cim
def from_rcomplex(data):
# rre = np.real(data)
Y = 1.0 / data
cre = np.real(Y)
cim = np.imag(Y)
return cre, cim
def from_cre_cim(data):
cre, cim = split_data(data)
return cre, cim
def from_cre_cmim(data):
cre, cmim = split_data(data)
return cre, -cmim
def from_cmag_cpha(data):
cmag, cpha = split_data(data)
cre, cim = generic_magpha_to_reim(cmag, cpha)
return cre, cim
def from_log10rmag_rpha(data):
rlog10mag, rpha = split_data(data)
Z = to_complex(10 ** rlog10mag, rpha)
Y = 1 / Z
real_part = np.real(Y)
imag_part = np.imag(Y)
return real_part, imag_part
def from_lnrmag_rpha(data):
rlnmag, rpha = split_data(data)
Z = to_complex(np.exp(rlnmag), rpha)
Y = 1 / Z
real_part = np.real(Y)
imag_part = np.imag(Y)
return real_part, imag_part
def from_rmag_rpha(data):
rmag, rpha = split_data(data)
Z = to_complex(rmag, rpha)
Y = 1 / Z
real_part = np.real(Y)
imag_part = np.imag(Y)
return real_part, imag_part
def from_rre_rmim(data):
rre, rmim = split_data(data)
Z = rre - 1j * rmim
Y = 1 / Z
real_part = np.real(Y)
imag_part = np.imag(Y)
return real_part, imag_part
def from_rre_rim(data):
rre, rim = split_data(data)
Z = rre + 1j * rim
Y = 1 / Z
real_part = np.real(Y)
imag_part = np.imag(Y)
return real_part, imag_part
# # to converter ##
# converts from conductiviy re/im to various formats
def to_cre_cim(cre, cim):
data = np.hstack((cre, cim))
return data
def to_cre_cmim(cre, cim):
cmim = -np.array(cim)
data = np.hstack((cre, cmim))
return data
def to_cmag_cpha(cre, cim):
Y = cre + 1j * cim
cmag = np.abs(Y)
cpha = np.arctan2(cim, cre) * 1000
return np.hstack((cmag, cpha))
def to_rre_rim(cre, cim):
Y = cre + 1j * cim
Z = 1 / Y
real_p = np.real(Z)
imag_p = np.imag(Z)
return np.hstack((real_p, imag_p))
def to_rre_rmim(cre, cim):
Y = cre + 1j * cim
Z = 1 / Y
real_p = np.real(Z)
mimag_p = -np.imag(Z)
return np.hstack((real_p, mimag_p))
def to_rmag_rpha(cre, cim):
Y = cre + 1j * cim
Z = 1 / Y
real_p = np.real(Z)
imag_p = np.imag(Z)
mag = np.abs(Z)
pha = np.arctan2(imag_p, real_p) * 1000
return np.hstack((mag, pha))
def to_log10rmag_rpha(cre, cim):
rmag_rpha = to_rmag_rpha(cre, cim)
mag_slice = slice(0, int(rmag_rpha.shape[1] / 2))
log10rmag_rpha = rmag_rpha
log10rmag_rpha[:, mag_slice] = np.log10(rmag_rpha[:, mag_slice])
return log10rmag_rpha
def to_lnrmag_rpha(cre, cim):
rmag_rpha = to_rmag_rpha(cre, cim)
mag_slice = slice(0, int(rmag_rpha.shape[1] / 2))
lnrmag_rpha = rmag_rpha
lnrmag_rpha[:, mag_slice] = np.log(rmag_rpha[:, mag_slice])
return lnrmag_rpha
def to_ccomplex(cre, cim):
return cre + 1j * cim
def to_rcomplex(cre, cim):
Y = cre + 1j * cim
Z = 1.0 / Y
return Z
# store the converter functions in dicts
from_converters = {
'lnrmag_rpha': from_lnrmag_rpha,
'log10rmag_rpha': from_log10rmag_rpha,
'rmag_rpha': from_rmag_rpha,
'rre_rim': from_rre_rim,
'rre_rmim': from_rre_rmim,
'cmag_cpha': from_cmag_cpha,
'cre_cim': from_cre_cim,
'cre_cmim': from_cre_cmim,
'ccomplex': from_ccomplex,
'rcomplex': from_rcomplex,
to_converters = {
'lnrmag_rpha': to_lnrmag_rpha,
'log10rmag_rpha': to_log10rmag_rpha,
'rmag_rpha': to_rmag_rpha,
'rre_rim': to_rre_rim,
'rre_rmim': to_rre_rmim,
'cmag_cpha': to_cmag_cpha,
'cre_cim': to_cre_cim,
'cre_cmim': to_cre_cmim,
'ccomplex': to_ccomplex,
'rcomplex': to_rcomplex,
def convert(input_format, output_format, data, one_spectrum=False):
Convert from the given format to the requested format
input_format : format of input data (parameter 'data')
output_format : format of output data
data : numpy array containing data in specified input format
one_spectrum : True|False, the input data comprises one spectrum. This
allows for an additional format of the data array.
Possible input/output formats:
Array format
data is either 1D or 2D. A 1D array correspond to one spectrum, with double
the size of the frequencies (which are not needed for the conversion).
Thus, the first halt either comprises a magnitude data, and the second one
phase data, or the parts comprise real and imaginary parts.
For the 2D case there exist two possibilities:
First, if one_spectrum is False, then the first axis denotes the spectrum
number, and each spectrum is stored on the second axis as described for the
1D case.
Second, if one_spectrum is True, and the first axis has the size two, then
the axis denotes either magnitude (index 0) and phase (index 1), or real
(index 0) and imaginary (index 1) parts. The second axis has the same size
as there are frequencies.
Internally we always convert to real part and imaginary part of
conductivity, and then convert back to the output format.
Return values are of the same dimensions as input variables.
if input_format == output_format:
return data
if input_format not in from_converters:
raise KeyError('Input format {0} not known!'.format(input_format))
if output_format not in to_converters:
raise KeyError('Output format {0} not known!'.format(output_format))
# internally we always work with the second axis of double the frequency
# size
if len(data.shape) == 2 and data.shape[0] == 2 and one_spectrum:
work_data = np.hstack((data[0, :], data[1, :]))
one_spec_2d = True
work_data = data
one_spec_2d = False
cre, cim = from_converters[input_format](work_data)
converted_data = to_converters[output_format](cre, cim)
if one_spec_2d:
part1, part2 = split_data(converted_data, True)
converted_data = np.vstack((part1, part2))
# reshape to input size (this should only be necessary for 1D data)
if len(data.shape) == 1:
converted_data = np.squeeze(converted_data)
return converted_data