Forward modellingΒΆ
Suppose you have a tomodir manager set up with a grid and some measurement configurations:
import crtomo.grid as CRGrid
grid = CRGrid.crt_grid.create_surface_grid(
nr_electrodes=30, spacing=1
import crtomo.tdManager as CRman
man = CRman.tdMan(grid=grid)
The forward modelling using CRMod can now be triggered by calling the function measurements():
rmag_rpha = man.measurements()
The function returns an Nx2 numpy array with the modelled magnitudes and phase values (both linear), but also directly registers the results as the magnitude and phase forward response in the tdManager. Corresponding measurement ids can be retreived from the assignment dict:
mid_mag, mid_pha = man.assignments['measurements']
Geometric factors for equally spaced electrodes can simply be computed using:
K = man.configs.compute_K_factors(spacing=1)
The function can also use a FE-grid to numerically compute geometric factors. Please refer to the API documentation for more information. Apparent resistivities can be computed and registered via:
K = man.configs.compute_K_factors(spacing=1)
rhoa = rmag_rpha[:, 0] * K
cid_rho = man.configs.add_measurements(rhoa)
Pseudosections can then be plotted using:
plot_objects = man.configs.plot_pseudosection_type2(
fig = plot_objects[0]
fig.savefig('pseudosection_mag.png', dpi=300)
plot_objects = man.configs.plot_pseudosection_type2(
fig = plot_objects[0]
fig.savefig('pseudosection_pha.png', dpi=300)
plot_objects = man.configs.plot_pseudosection_type2(
cblabel=r'$\rho_a~[\Omega m]$',
fig = plot_objects[0]
fig.savefig('pseudosection_rhoa.png', dpi=300)
Magnitudes can also be plotted logarithmically by registering the log10 values in the configManager:
import numpy as np
maglog = np.log10(rmag_rpha[:, 0])
plot_objects = man.configs.plot_pseudosection_type2(
fig = plot_objects[0]
fig.savefig('pseudosection_mag.png', dpi=300)